illustration for brand engagement

What Is Brand Engagement, and Why Does it Matter?

There is a balance needed in being present and interactive but not intrusive. So, how do we increase customer engagement effectively?

Written By: 

Carl Undag


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To thrive, brands must actively engage with their target audience and foster a connection beyond basic transactions.

However, creating and maintaining brand engagement can be challenging. There is a balance needed in being present and interactive but not intrusive. You want to resonate with your audience but not compromise your core identity. 

So, how do we increase customer engagement effectively?

What is Brand Engagement?

Brand engagement creates a two-way street between your brand and your target audience. It's more than just brand awareness – it's about fostering an ongoing interaction and connection.  

Brand awareness focuses on getting your brand name and building initial recognition. Brand engagement, however, delves deeper. It transforms that recognition into a positive association and an ongoing dialogue.

Brand engagement can be internal or external. Internal brand engagement focuses on connecting with your employees and building a strong company culture around your brand identity. External brand engagement is all about connecting with your target audience and building brand awareness and loyalty among consumers.

Imagine your brand as a character in a story. Brand awareness introduces this character to the audience. However, brand engagement keeps the audience invested in the story. It allows them to interact with the characters, learn about their values, and influence the plot.

Why is Brand Engagement Important?

Here are some reasons why brand engagement is critical for your business success:

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Boosts Customer Loyalty

Engaged customers aren't just satisfied with your products and invested in your brand story. You create a sense of community and belonging by fostering a two-way conversation through social media interactions, loyalty programs, and exclusive content. 

This emotional connection makes customers feel valued and appreciated, turning them into loyal brand advocates who consistently choose you over competitors.

Increases Brand Advocacy

Engaged customers become your most powerful marketing tool. Positive interactions, helpful content, and genuine connections can turn customers into brand ambassadors.  

They'll organically promote your products or services through word-of-mouth recommendations and positive online reviews, effortlessly reaching new audiences and increasing brand awareness.

Provides Valuable Customer Insights

Brand engagement opens direct communication with your existing customers, providing a treasure trove of valuable customer insights. 

Interactive elements like social media polls, Q&A sessions, and surveys allow you to gather information about customer preferences, needs, and pain points.  

This data goldmine can be used to refine your products, services, and marketing strategies, ensuring they better meet customer needs and drive higher satisfaction.

Enhances Brand Reputation

Engaging with your audience demonstrates that you care about their feedback and experiences. By actively addressing concerns, responding to comments (both positive and negative), and participating in online conversations, you build trust and cultivate a positive brand image.  

This transparency shows that you're responsive and committed to customer satisfaction, fostering a sense of loyalty and respect.

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Drives Sales and Revenue

Ultimately, brand engagement translates to increased sales and revenue. Loyal customers who feel connected to your brand will likely make repeat purchases and be more receptive to upsells and new product offerings. 

Additionally, positive word-of-mouth recommendations from brand advocates can attract new customers, expand your reach, and drive sales growth.

6 Successful Brand Engagement Channels

Brand engagement isn't magic – it requires strategically using the right channels to connect with your audience. Here's a look at some of the most effective brand engagement channels, along with their strengths and ideal campaign types:

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1. Social Media Platforms

Social media is a vibrant brand engagement hub, allowing real-time interaction with your audience. You can create engaging content (posts, videos, stories), run contests and giveaways, and participate in relevant conversations. Social media engagement is fantastic for building brand awareness, foster customer relationships, and generating user-generated content.

Campaign examples: Host a photo contest on Instagram, run a Q&A session on Twitter, or launch a product reveal campaign on Facebook.

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2. Websites and Blogs

Your website and blog are your brand's digital home, offering a platform to share valuable content, showcase your expertise, and establish yourself as a thought leader.  Publish informative blog posts, create downloadable resources, and encourage comments and discussions.

Campaign examples: Launch an educational blog series, offer free e-books or white papers, or host a live chat session with a company expert.

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3. Email Marketing

Email marketing allows for personalized communication with your audience.  Segment your email lists and send targeted campaigns with relevant content, promotions, and exclusive offers.

Campaign examples:  Send personalized birthday greetings with discount codes, share industry news and insights, or launch early access campaigns for new products.

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4. Events and Experiences

Live events and experiences (both physical and virtual) create a powerful connection with your audience.  Host workshops, webinars, product demonstrations, or sponsor relevant industry events.

Campaign examples: Organize a product launch party, offer exclusive behind-the-scenes tours, or participate in trade shows and conferences.

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5. Customer Service Channels

Excellent customer service is a key element of brand engagement.  Respond promptly to inquiries and complaints, provide helpful solutions, and personalize the customer experience across all channels (phone, email, live chat).

Campaign examples:  Run social media campaigns highlighting positive customer service experiences, offer loyalty programs that reward repeat customers, or implement a live chat feature on your website for real-time customer support.

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6. Influencer Collaborations

Partnering with relevant influencers can expand your brand reach and build trust with new audiences.  Choose influencers whose values align with your brand and collaborate on sponsored content, product reviews, or social media takeovers.

Campaign examples:  Partner with a beauty influencer to showcase your new makeup line, collaborate with a travel blogger to promote your eco-friendly travel products, or work with a fitness personality to launch a new workout app.

8 Steps to Increase Brand Engagement: Ignite a Spark with Your Audience

Let's dive into practical steps you can take to cultivate meaningful connections with your target audience:

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1. Define Your Brand Voice and Personality

Before diving headfirst into engagement strategies, step back and solidify your brand identity. What is your brand voice? Are you playful and humorous, or professional and authoritative? What is your brand personality? Are you seen as friendly and approachable or innovative and cutting-edge? A clearly defined brand voice and personality will guide your interactions and ensure consistency across all channels.

For example, think of a brand like Old Spice. Their commercials and social media brand engagement are known for their quirky humor and unexpected celebrity cameos. Their brand voice is casual, conversational, and full of playful jabs.

Another example is how a financial services firm would likely take a different approach. Their brand voice would be clear, concise, and informative, using industry jargon strategically to establish themselves as experts.

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2. Know Your Audience Inside and Out

Brand engagement is a two-way street. To effectively connect with your audience, you need to understand them deeply. Conduct market research, analyze audience demographics, and leverage social media listening tools to gain insights into their interests, needs, and pain points. Don't forget to do the same within your company for employee engagement.

Once you know who you're talking to, you can tailor your content and communication style for maximum impact.

For example, let's say you're a company that designs athletic apparel. Understanding your audience goes beyond just knowing their age and gender. You need to delve deeper. Are they training for marathons or weekend joggers? Do they prioritize style or performance? What social media platforms do they frequent?

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3. Create Compelling Content

High-quality, engaging content is the fuel that drives brand engagement. Move beyond basic promotional messages and focus on creating valuable content that informs, entertains, and inspires your audience. This could include blog posts, infographics, videos, user guides, or listicles. The key is consistently delivering content that resonates with your audience's interests and solves their problems.

For example, you're a software company that develops project management tools. Basic promotional messages touting features won't cut it. Your audience craves valuable content that helps them be more productive.

Instead of a generic blog post listing your software's functionalities, create a helpful guide titled "5 Time Management Hacks for Busy Project Managers" with actionable tips and tricks. Intersperse the guide with screenshots and short videos demonstrating how your software can be used to implement those hacks.

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4. Foster Two-Way Communication

Encourage interaction across all your brand touchpoints. Respond to comments on social media, answer questions on your website, and actively participate in relevant online communities. Show your audience that you value their voice and opinions.

For example, a customer leaves a comment on your Instagram post praising your new line of shampoos but mentioning they wish there were a version for color-treated hair.

Don't let this comment go unnoticed! Respond by thanking the customer for their feedback and letting them know you always look for ways to improve. Mention you're exploring options for color-treated hair and invite them to sign up for your email list to stay updated on new product offerings.

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5. Host Interactive Campaigns and Contests

Run contests, giveaways, and polls to generate excitement and encourage participation. This is a fantastic way to collect user-generated content, boost brand awareness, and gather valuable audience insights.

Moreover, contests can also happen within your company as a internal brand engagement strategy.

For example, you're a brand that sells organic teas. Running a photo contest on Instagram called "Steep Your Story" could be a great way to engage your audience. Invite participants to share photos of their favorite tea-drinking moments using a hashtag. Offer a prize pack of your latest tea blends and a beautiful teapot as an incentive. This increases brand awareness and allows you to see how people enjoy your products in their everyday lives.

6. Leverage the Power of User-Generated Content

Empower your audience to become brand advocates by encouraging them to create and share content related to your brand. Run hashtag campaigns, host photo contests, or feature customer testimonials on your website. User-generated content fosters a sense of community and authenticity, building trust and strengthening brand loyalty.

For example, let's say you manage a pet accessories company. User-generated content featuring adorable animals using your products is a goldmine! Run a hashtag campaign called "#MyPetRocksYourBrand." Encourage pet owners to share photos of their furry friends sporting bandanas, harnesses, or toys. Feature some of the cutest submissions on your website and social media channels. This promotes your products and fosters a sense of community among pet lovers, encouraging them to share their love for your brand.

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7. Respond to Feedback (Both Positive and Negative)

Demonstrate that you care about your customers by acknowledging their positive and negative feedback. Thank customers for compliments and actively address concerns. Responding to negative feedback promptly and professionally shows your commitment to customer satisfaction and can help turn a frustrated customer into a loyal brand advocate.

Audience helps you find the gaps in your strategy for improvement, as well as another great way to measure brand engagement success.

For example, a customer tweets their frustration about a slow delivery experience with your company. Respond by acknowledging the customer's frustration and apologizing for the inconvenience. Explain your steps to resolve the issue and offer them a discount code for their next purchase. By addressing the problem head-on, you demonstrate that you care about customer satisfaction and are working to improve your service.

8. Be Consistent and Patient

Building brand engagement takes time and dedication. Don't expect overnight results. Be consistent with your content creation, social media interaction, and overall brand image. The more consistently you show up and deliver value, the stronger your connection with your audience will become.

For example, imagine you're a financial services company launching a new educational blog series aimed at young professionals. Don't expect a surge in website traffic overnight. Be consistent with your blog posting schedule, offering valuable content on budgeting, investing, and other financial topics relevant to your target audience. The more informative and helpful your content is, the more likely you will attract and retain readers, building trust and establishing yourself as a thought leader in the financial space.

Final Thoughts

Customer engagement isn't a one-time effort—it's a continuous conversation. By following the steps outlined above, you can ignite a spark with your audience, fostering meaningful connections that translate into brand loyalty. Remember, the key is to be authentic, informative, and responsive.

Let us know how Evolv  can help you with your brand engagement strategies!

Visit our blog page for more insightful content on branding, marketing, and social media strategies.

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About the Author

Carl Undag

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Evolv's dedicated copywriter, blending storytelling prowess with business acumen for impactful results.

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DO you really need A branding Agency?

What is the difference between a marketing and branding agency?

A branding agency focuses more on the long term value of a corporation rather than its short term wins.
Branding agencies will:
1. Focus on increasing the value of your customer experience through carefully designed aesthetics, materials, imagery, & messaging.
2. Focus on decreasing churn rate & failed onboarding attempts.
3. Focus on increasing profit margin through higher more affluent customers.
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2. Focusing more on the quantity of posts and capturing the masses attention.
3. Focus on generating and publishing fast and scheduled posts.

Who needs a branding agency?

A branding agency can be valuable to any individual or organization looking to establish, enhance, or evolve its brand. This can include startups, small businesses, established companies, non-profit organizations, personal brands, and more. If you want to create a strong brand identity, increase brand awareness, and stand out from the competition, Evolv can provide the expertise and resources needed to achieve those goals.

Reasons to hire us as your branding agency.

1. You don't want to worry about micro managing a designer, let alone a design department.
2. You find branding fascinating and want us to teach you and build your skills along the way.
3. You dislike lots of short meetings and prefer longer ones, 2-3 times a month.
4. You like clear cut project rates.
5. You're skeptical about traditional marketing because you've been burned in the past.

How do I get started?

1. Fill out our contact form.
2. Receive an email to schedule a phone call.
3. Discuss your business history, goals, challenges, and vision.
4. Sign contract.
5. First meeting and start of project.

Are we the right agency for your business?

We work with executives, business developers, owners, and start-ups that usually already have a solid business model and now need the tools and assets to expand their market to clients who are willing to pay a premium for a certain standard they've come to love. Our Brand Appreciation Bundle takes 3 months to complete.

How does payment work?

Payments can be broken up in many ways. Here's the most typical we see.
50% Due on project start date.
25% Due at meeting the 75% progress point of the project.
25% Due upon receiving the final delivery.
We accept wire transfer, checks, or Paypal.